The art of horsemanship and horse
riding for beginners and connoisseurs
Horse riding principles and tips to boost your progress
Grooming your horse
Taking care of your horse’s coat, hooves and hair and checking for injuries
Before being saddled and bridled, your horse must be impeccably clean, with no straw in the tail. True privileged moment between the animal and the rider, grooming your horse has 3 functions:
- It allows your horse to be groomed before being harnessed.
- It relaxes your horse while activating blood circulation.
- It is also an opportunity to detect any abnormality or injury.

Practical tips
Some practical steps for horseriding beginners

Saddle a horse
Saddling is one of the last steps to take before you can start your horseride. It is absolutely crucial that these last steps are carried out accordingly so as not to injure the horse during the work session. Remember to bring the saddle cloth as well as a shock absorber.

How do you bridle your horse?
Bridle a horse seems complicated for a beginner because he/she often has to put the bit in the horse’s mouth with his/her thumb. Relax, it’s not difficult at all! In our articles, you will find all the right steps to follow in order to succeed in bridle your horse.

How to get on your horse?
Before riding, your reins must be well adjusted. Hold them in your left hand, then place your left foot in the stirrup. Bend your knee and gently lift yourself up to straddle your horse while passing your right leg to the other side.

How do you get off the horse?
As soon as your mount is static, keep the reins in your left hand. Remove your feet from the stirrups. Lean your body to the left, tilt your right leg backwards, without touching the horse’s rump. Finally, put your feet on the ground.
Horse riding: a man-horse duo
Sharing great moments with your horse

Riding can be defined as the sport, art and technique of riding and directing a horse for different purposes.

But riding is much more than that. It’s about meeting horses and learning how to care for them.

It is then to learn how to mount them smoothly and to direct them according to subtle techniques.

It means finally accepting the fact that the horse is a personality in its own right, a strong and powerful animal.
Horses are considered to be man’s greatest conquest for a reason

The main horse riding related terms
Learn to talk in horse riding terms!

The gait
This is the horse’s rhythm of movement. Every horse has at least three paces, from the slowest to the fastest: walk, trot and canter.

The amble
This is a gait that not all horses spontaneously adopt. It is reputed to be very comfortable for the rider (as opposed to trotting).

This is the front part of the horse (everything in front of the rider’s hand when riding). It includes the head, neck, withers, chest and forelegs.

Half-blood: this is said of a horse resulting from a cross between a horse of a warm-blooded breed (thoroughbred type) and a horse of another breed.